Capitalix Telegram
Join the Official Capitalix Telegram Channel today and gain access to a robust customer support system designed to bridge the gap between you and the capital markets.
Our channel is dedicated to address your needs and provide timely solutions, all while giving your trading journey a personal touch.
We want you to feel both fully prepared, as well as create a seamless experience for you, so you can take on the markets with confidence.
In order to use our Telegram channel in a safe environment,
here is what you need to know:
Use Only Capitalix Official Telegram Channel
We have only one official Telegram channel: @capitalixbot.
Please refrain from using other similar channels,
as they are not managed by Capitalix;Don’t pass your personal information
Your Account Manager will never ask you to share personal information,
such as phone number, email or password;Do not share your Payment Methods information
Keep data related to your payment methods private.
Do not share sensitive information such as credit card number, CCV/CCV2
or payment service credentials;اتصل بمدير حسابك فقط باستخدام برنامج Capitalix bot
يُسمح لمديري الحسابات لدينا فقط بالرد على الرسائل المباشرة للعملاء باستخدام capitalixbot الرسمي ولن
يقوموا أبدًا بالتواصل معك من حساب تيليغرام الشخصي.
إذا طلب منك أي شخص يدعي أنه يمثل Capitalix أي نوع من المعلومات الشخصية،
أو خالف أيًا من القواعد المذكورة أعلاه، فيرجى إخبارنا هنا:
Capitalix is bridging the gap between You and the Capital Markets.
Our customized solutions and personal support will offer you the confidence needed to start investing right away.
This is the only official Capitalix Telegram channel.
Please refrain from engaging with other similar channels
to keep your sensitive data secure.